Original Startups Collective
A decentralized autonomous movement toward a value driven metaverse venture ecosystem
Powered by Web3.0 and end-to-end value creation
About Original Startups Collective
OSC’s mission is to become the leading and most trusted Web3.0 innovation and investment platform by building and enabling startup ventures, and to be a dominant developer of Web3 Creative and Co-Generative business focused assets for growth and value creation.
We believe in a growing shared culture in the Web3.0 startup space.
Driven by OSC DAO, our goal is to grow a borderless platform ventures ecosystem that provides access to global talent, prolific start-up founders, ecosystem developers, investors under a vibrant Web 3.0 platform that democratises assets ownerships.
OSC Ecosystem
Bringing together collective experience in building hybrid OSC community.
Powered by OSC Web3.0 platform to actively accelerate startups unrestricted by borders to create opportunities for online to offline omnipresence experience.
Democratizing of the community driven by collective decisions and advised by an experienced council are the key drivers to move toward a sustainable ecosystem and creating sustainable value through the accelerating of Web3.0 startup ventures.